Check out some of our publications and research papers under each category below!
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“astam, pī-pīkiskwātotān: Come, let’s talk together”
March 2019, KING, Ian; JOHNSTON, Anthony Blair Dreaver and KINDRACHUK, John.
The Canadian Commission for UNESCO’s Idealab
Saskatchewan, Canada
Opportunities for Ecotourism Development in the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve, Saskatchewan
November 2012, Xi Zhao
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
2007, Sharmalene Mendis-Millard; Maureen G. Reed
Society & Natural Resources- An International Journal
Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Respecting the Perspective: There’s More to the Landscape than Meets the Eye
2006, Lee Everts
Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada
2002, Céline Bonnel, Olivier Garrigou
Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts
Investigating Human-Black Bear Interactions in Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve
July 2013, Jessica Lankshear
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
September 2012, Oksana Zbyranyk
University of Sasktachewan, Canada
October 2004, Sharmalene Ruwanthi Mendis
Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Assessing the Current Threat of Aquatic Invasive Species in Saskatchewan
August 2015, Zhaochang Zhang
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Chemical and physical properties of some saline lakes in Alberta and Saskatchewan
April 2008, Jeff S Bowman and Julian P Sachs
School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Breeding Biology and population dynamics of White-winged Scoters at Redberry Lake, Saskatchewan
2006, Alisauskas, R.T., Kehoe, F.P
Components of population growth rate for White-winged Scoters in Saskatchewan, Canada
2004, Alisauskas, R. T., Traylor, J.J., Swoboda, C.J. & Kehoe, F.P.
School of Environment & Sustainability Project