Wet & Winter Conditions
These sights are off the beaten path and as such that unbeaten path is subject to impassible conditions. We advise not touring this sight in rainy or severe winter weather. If it begins to rain after arrival please consider leaving as soon as possible or the roads may become to muddy for travel.
FWDF Land Rules
Some locations in this tour are made available for public enjoyment thanks to a partnership between the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited Canada, the Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment. Fish and Wildlife Development Fund Land is for everyone! Roam freely keeping in mind there are a few rules which apply to all FWDF land:
- No Littering
- No Open Fires
- Pack In, Pack Out
- Foot Access Only
- Walk-in Camping Only
- No interference with an authorized management treatment (e.g., haying or grazing).
- No restricting the access or entry into these lands.
- Access will be on foot only (nothing conveyed by any form of mechanical propulsion) other than to retrieve any lawfully taken wildlife. (The Wildlife Regulations, 1981 Section 30.2(1))
Baiting for any purpose is prohibited (The Wildlife Regulations, 1981 Section 18.1(2))
- When setting a tree stand or blind it must clearly state the owners name, address, date the stand was placed, and it must be removed at the end of the legal hunting time on the same day in which it was placed. (The Wildlife Regulations, 1981 Section 18.43(2.1))
- No person shall harvest trees without authorization on any FWDF lands (Wildlife Habitat Lands Disposition and Alteration Regulations 11.1(1))
Notable Species at Risk you may see here:
- Whooping Crane
- Turkey Vulture
- Horned Lark
- Wilson’s Phalarope
- Lesser Yellow Legs
- Barn Swallow
- American White Pelican
- Piping Plover
- Loggerhead Shrike
- Burrowing Owl
- Spragues Pipit
- Northern Shrike
- Black Throated Warbler
- Bobolink
- Long-Billed Curlew
- Northern Harrier
- Horned Grebe
- Western Grebe
- Northern Mytosis
- Little Brown Mytosis
Locations on this tour are inhabited by a few creatures and critters that you should be mindful of:
- Deer & Dog Ticks – High Risk, May through July
- Bear – Low Risk, April through October
- Cougar – Low Risk, All Months
For your safety, please read the Hiking in Redberry Guide
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