AEGP newsletter
The Agri-Environmental Plan (AEGP) talks about the economics of grazing management and range health 101 in this edition! AEGP Newsletter
The Agri-Environmental Plan (AEGP) talks about the economics of grazing management and range health 101 in this edition! AEGP Newsletter
The Agri-Environmental Plan (AEGP) talks about how much nitrogen is left after bale grazing in this new edition! AEGP Newsletter December 2011
This time the fall workshop of the Redberry Lake Watershed Agri-Environmental Group Plan (AEGP) focused on winter-management. Twenty ranchers and specialists came to the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve Research and Education Centre on the lake to learn more about various fencing and watering options available for livestock. Follow up: Fall Workshop 2011 at Redberry
After six months of traveling through Canada Thomas and Susanne Abe from Germany arrived in Hafford last week. “We are really happy to stop here and spend some time volunteering with the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve”, says the 28-year old Thomas. German volunteers with Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve
Yesterday was a remarkable day for the Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve: It received the Land of Living Skies Award at the 21st Annual Saskatchewan Tourism Awards of Excellence Gala in Saskatoon. Redberry Lake Biosphere Reserve Honoured with Land of Living Skies Award